HTML Templates - Fast & Inexpensive

Static HTML websites offer you a quick and easy way to get your site up and running without the cost of hosting a content management system or needing a lot of plugins to make your site functional.

    Static HTML Templates are inexpensive and can be hosted on nearly any hosting platform. If you use GoDaddy as your Registrar, they offer site hosting for as little as $5 a month for static HTML websites!

    Just because these sites are called ‘static’ doesn’t mean they don’t expand & contract depending upon the browser’s size. These HTML templates are all going to be responsive no matter what device they are viewed on. 

    They may not have all the bells and whistles that come with a website built with WordPress, but you will still feel proud to share your URL with your customers!

This type of site is best for clients who do not need to update their site more than a few times a year and are not selling products. For ecommerce sites, we recommend jumping up to WordPress.